Photo 1: Where a lot of our dates ended up being in the beginning.
Photo 2: Another date area we frequented.
Photo 3: On our way to our first Christmas.
Photo 4: After our first county fair experience.
Picture 5: Peyton's college graduation.
Photo 6: Justin being cute.
Photo 7: Our first trip to Montana together. Taken on the Continental Divide.
Photo 8: A birthday trip planned by Justin for Peyton to explore caves in south Iowa. (didn't take into account of her arachnophobia at the time)
Photo 9: Our first concert together.
Photo 10: Second trip to Montana, didn't go as well due to a heatwave of 110 degree weather and we were camping.
Photo 11: Camping trip in southern Iowa to explore national parks.
Photo 12: Home sweet home.
Photo 13: Camping trip to take engagement photos.