Peyton & Justin

October 10, 2025
211 Days To Go!

Peyton & Justin

October 10, 2025
211 Days To Go!

Our Story

Justin and Peyton's story began in 2018. Peyton was still going through college in Emmetsburg and Justin was working in Mason City. They would find any time they could to talk or hang out. Peyton would drive the 2 hours almost every weekend to see Justin. They never wanted the weekends to end and the more time they spent together the harder it was for both of them to say goodbye.

They both knew from the beginning that this was meant to be. Together everything was right in the world, and apart felt like a giant piece of life was missing. They agreed the long distance was difficult, but that they would make the most of it by going out and exploring. They spent most of their dates out by lakes or hiking in national parks.

Once Peyton finished her degree, she moved to Mason City. From there Justin and Peyton started really talking about what they each wanted out of life and where they hoped to see themselves in the future.

There was a lot of personal and mutual growth that they both went through, and continue to push and make progress together. They make each other stronger in ways neither of them thought were possible.

This is just the beginning of a long path ahead that Justin and Peyton are forging together.

The photos page has a few pictures to go along with their story.